Convert Numbers to Words in Excel

NumberToWords is a custom function that I built using Lambda expressions in Excel Advanced Formula Environment. That is, if you import it into your workbook, you will be able to use it as you use other native functions.

This function, I believe, is a significant one in the toolbox of Accounting and Finance folks. It helps them to write numeric monetary values in words. This is most common in cheques and bank notes. It spells the number and converts it to wording. In Arabic it is referred to as Tafqeet (تفقيط).

NumberToWords takes in four arguments that should be filled out -no default values are set in the function.

  1. DNumValue: a reference to the cell containing the number to be converted
  2. CUR: code or name of currency of the number
  3. DecimalCUR: code or name of the currency fraction such as Cent, Fils, Halala, etc.
  4. DecimalCURPlace: a number representing the decimals of the currency fraction as follows:
    • 1: tens
    • 2: hundredths
    • 3: thousandths

Being a Lambda-based function, NumberToWords can be imported into your Excel workbook either from a GitHub Gist URL or from a text file. Both methods are explained in the movie. Below is a link to download the text file of the function code.

In addition to showing how to import NumberToWords function, this movie presents examples of converting numbers in different currencies to words.

NumberToWords Custom Function


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