The State of Being Lean or Fat is a Matter of Your Own Choice

Being lean or fat for an organization is an outcome of its own internal practices. Likewise, the transformation process from one state to the other can be achieved at its own discretion. However, not all fat-lean transformations are healthy. Amongst the three fat-lean transition forms that organizations usually undergo only the fat-to-lean one is the savior leading to survival in turbulent times.

Most organizations which fail transitioning from fat to lean blame on the improvement methodologies they have adopted. Yet, in most cases the fact is not. During my two decades of experience in the manufacturing and service industries I have seen fat businesses embracing lean concepts but would not have trimmed a ‘kilogram’ from their bodies. In other words, they remained fat. And this is the first type of transformation; fat-to-fat.

Fat-to-Fat Transition

Fat-to-fat state

Organizations undergoing fat-to-fat transition type usually fail due to ineffectiveness in implementation. For the process of lean transformation to be effective root causes of waste should be eliminated. Rather than the waste itself.

For instance, converting defected products to second-grade quality does not trim waste. Undoubtedly, root causes of the defect remain haunting the manufacturing process. And the waste will recur.

In another scene, clearing the production area from overproduction and stacking it in the warehouse will not do good for your shape. Ironically, you convert overproduction into inventory, which is another type of waste.

Hence, root causes of defects, overproduction, inventory, and other types of waste should be your target in the lean transformation journey.

Lean-to-Fat Transition

Lean-to-fat transition is no better than fat-to-fat. It is even worse a case of transition but for a different reason of failure, which is lack of control.

People on a weight loss plan must sustain their lean shape when they reach their optimum weight. One common way to achieve body fit control is by committing to a specific diet and to frequent exercising. Otherwise, they will revert to their old state.

Similarly, lean organizations ought to deploy rigorous control procedures and standards. Else, people will revert to the previous fatty operating model, and lean efforts will be doomed.

Fat-to-Lean Transition

The third type of fat-lean transformation, fat-to-lean, resides on the other end of the spectrum. It is the ideal transition that secures effectiveness as well as sustainability. And it is best attained by institutionalizing and sustaining a robust waste elimination process that is key to sustaining a lean state.

Waste Elimination Process

Waste Elimination process embraces the universal concept of process improvement depicted in various methodologies such as PDCA, DMAIC, and 8-Disciplines. It starts by studying the process under transformation. Then, wastes are recognized and measured to form the current state and to have a baseline of improvement. After that, root causes of waste need to be identified and eliminated. The last step, which is the most crucial, is sustaining the transformed state of the process through updated procedures, control plans, and standardization.

Waste Elimination Process

Lean is a culture and way of life rather than being a methodology. And the recipe for a successful transformation hinges on Root Cause Analysis (RCA), sustainability, and continuous improvement. While it is not a rocket science, the waste elimination process can help you kick start your journey towards a leaner state.

My post DOWNTIME: The Eight Types of Waste sheds light on how to identify waste in your organization as a critical step in your Fat-to-Lean transformation journey.

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